Saturday, March 27, 2021

A Little Bit of Gore, A Little Bit of Eyeballs. One Pigeon. Review of Howls from Hell

 First, I'll start with my favorites and why. The Pigeon Lied was ridiculous which is exactly the way I like horror that involves monsters. Nobody really believes demons in funny hats are after them, so they kind of have to be silly. Psychological horror is scary because you can't see or understand what's after you. A demon pigeon in a hat is hoot. That's fine with me.

Possess and Serve was original. My only problem with it was the way the female protagonist mocked the other female police officers. Women have to stick together! It's not like the male officers treated her so well. 

It Gets in Your Eyes was creepy. Red and the Beast was a different twist on Beauty and the Beast.

I have a little bit of a complaintm but it's a complaint I have with a lot of contemporary books. Everybody rolls their eyes to show emotion rather than describing or speaking about emotion. In one story another character comments on the protagonists constant eyerolling, so at least the author is aware. But, half of the stories have characters rolling their eyes.  I see this in so many current stories and books. I roll my eyes at so much eyerolling. That and smirking and hissing. I don't know if authors think they have to have eyerolling, smirking and hissing because everybody is doing it or if they don't realize everybody is packing books with the same facial expressions, but I wish editors or agents would suggest something more original than eyerolling to their authors.

Like most anthologies, there are some great and some flat, some scary and some not so much. There will be something for any horror reader in Howls from Hell.

Thank you to Netgalley for making this ebook available to me.

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