Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Everything that Can Happen Does. A Review of Black Tide.

 It's rare that I wish a book wouldn't end, but darn it, I like these characters and want to see them succeed! Okay, they're a couple of losers, but who doesn't have things in their background they'd rather forget about? When things get tough, the best or worst traits of people come out. Fortunately, the former losers are up to the challenges.

And boy oh boy are there challenges. Ugly bowling ball looking things that smell bad and grow killer vines have plopped all over the beaches. Invisible things with screechy voices and tongues with teeth and eyeballs eat people. If they don't get you, a big purple cloud will. That is if you don't drown or burn up, dehydrate or bleed to death. Or get tired of hiding in a Subaru all day. That would kill all but the hardiest.

And, there's a very good dog. These are characters who are easy to root for. Things get worse and worse. I audibly gasped at a few points and I'm not a person who gasps when reading horror. If KC Jones keeps up this good writing, I'll have to procure a gasp-o-meter to keep track of my reading anxiety. . 

The story has a hopeful ending even if the reader doesn't know the ultimate ending for the characters. An exciting book that I'm glad I read. Thanks to Netgalley and Tor-Nightfire for allowing me to read and review Black Tide.

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