Monday, March 6, 2023

Where is this place? Where is this place! Cult or not, I want to go. A Review of The Merry Dredgers.


The Goblin amusement park is so awesome that if it never existed it ought to be created. The cult members who live there eat magic mushrooms and the park gets even more awesome. (Not that I'm condoning drug use. I would never do that. Pardon me a moment while I bite into this fungus.)

If you've read my other critiques, you'll know how I feel about characters rolling their eyes as an answer to everything. Really, my eyeball-roll-o-meter is burned out. But in this novel, there are two, count them TWO, eyeball trees.  And the eyeballs roll in random directions. If the characters in other novels had eyes that roll in random directions when their mothers say something dorky, that would be A-OK in my book.

Corrina (aka Seraphina) suspects that a cult has critically injured her sister. She infiltrates the cult known as the Dredgers. Except for the "strange" leader, the cult members are kind of fun. In fact, they're merry. (Not that I'm condoning cults. Most of them don't come across as merry.) Corrina and Nichelle have some clever banter between each other and develop a trusting friendship. All this and mechanical goblins. And rabbits with wings. And spooky rides.  And, and, and eyeball trees!  Where is this place?! I'm packing my bags right now.

Thanks to Netgalley and Meerkat books for allowing me to read and review The Merry Dredgers. Reading it was a lot of fun.

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