Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Review of Voodoo Heart

If you realize you're going to get stereotypes in Voodoo Heart, then you'll be all right with the novel. The detective is a typical police detective from the old film noir era--drinks too much, has lots of sex with various married women, drinks some more, has grumpy co-workers, drinks some more, and stays hungover.

I got hungover just reading about the copious amounts of alcohol this guy and his dates poured into their guts. 

Then you have the stereotype of New Orleans and Voodoo. It seems like you can't have a novel about The Big Easy without having voodoo as the main component. 

If you go into this story realizing it's full of stereotypes, then it's a rousing adventure full of murder and voodoo. Lots of people enjoy the muchly used hardboiled detective trope.

Some unfinished threads that didn't get tied up nicely. Where'd his grumpy co-workers vanish to? We know but we don't know. Why are men described as either fat or skinny, but women are described in graphic detail including descriptions of their breasts and public hair? 

Graphic sex including sex with a snake, inanimate objects, and supernatural beings. Graphic violence and it's aftermath. Enough drinking to make your liver look like a Brillo pad just reading about it.  But, a fast and adventurous read.

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