Sunday, October 3, 2021

Fill up your spare, empty aquarium that sits there doing nothing. The drought is coming! Revue of Dry

 I read a lot of horror and most of them don't disturb me. Dry gave me nightmares. The weird thing was that the nightmares weren't about lack of water or fires, but about traffic jams. Shows you what gives me the willies.

Monsters don't scare me. Things that can really happen, and the crazy things people do when disaster happens, are what frighten me. Though Dry was published three years ago, we've seen way too much of this recently. The panicked buying leaving store shelves bare. The horrible wild fires in California. The empty lakes and rivers. Fortunately, the plucky teens and a few compassionate older folks balance out the adults who act like jerks or become downright criminal.

Dry is a scary story but not a depressing book. Well, maybe a little depressing. It certainly is exciting and full of action. Now excuse me while I go fill up my entire pickup truck with bottled water.

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