Saturday, September 18, 2021

Brush your teeth! Review of Nothing But Blackened Teeth


The Cover was Almost Too Creepy for Me, Then I Remembered That I Enjoy Reading Horror Before Bed and Then Having Nightmares.

Have you ever disliked the humans in a story so much that you're rooting for the ghosts? Five people go to a haunted mansion in Japan for a wedding. None of them like each other, or barely like each other, yet they're the only five people (including the bride and groom) invited to the wedding. I can see if 300 people are invited to a wedding that a few might be horrid guests, but there are only 3 invitees and the bride despises everybody but the groom. And then a ghost of a bride buried alive and a bunch of little animal/monster thingies invite themselves. Still, the humans bickered, fought with each other, and got drunk. Meanwhile, the bride/ghost and the spooky critters moved ever closer.

If there were not ghosts and animal/monster thingies, this would be a typical story. A pity-party of "You weren't there when I needed you" stuff. Thank goodness for the little beasties and the ghost because they were the most fascinating characters in the book. The broken dolls were cool, too.

In fact, I'm thinking of inviting them to my wedding. The ghost, the critters, and the broken dolls. Dancing at the reception ought to be interesting.

Thank you to Tor and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review Nothing But Blackened Teeth.

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