Thursday, May 13, 2021

Barnes and Noble wouldn't let me post this review because of the word "crap." Review of Last One at the Party.

 Name ten horrible things that could happen to one person and I guarantee about eight of them happened to the protagonist in Last One at the Party.  Holy crap! One thing they teach in thriller or horror writing is to "make it worse." That sure is the story of our poor heroine.

But first, the story started with the rundown of the virus spreading throughout the world. I thought, "I don't want to hear this. It's too close to our real pandemic." It wasn't long though until I started thinking that maybe I should stock up on food and water. The book felt that real. I even thought about getting chickens because of this book!

I don't get scared by horror novels, but Last One at the Party eventually had me white-knuckled. The descriptions of the massive die-offs, the sickness, lack of water and food, animals ravaging bodies, was too much like something that could really happen in a major pandemic. I want to make it clear, though, this is ultimately a story of hope and survival. I don't want anyone to pass this by because they think it is doom and gloom. Things do get pretty nasty though. It will make you want to hug your family, your dog, you cat, and even your chickens if you have 'em. Oh, you might want to fill your pantry up.

There were a couple of things I quibbled with. The electricity certainly stayed on a long time after everybody who could run the power plants was dead. For weeks there was air conditioning and hot water. Geez, I was out of power and hot water because it freakin' snowed one night last winter. Eventually the power shut off in the book and things seemed more realistic. It wasn't enough to detract from a good story. No buzzards, though. You'd think buzzards would be the last ones at the party. They fly over my house sometimes. I shake my fist at them and yell, "Not yet!"

If you like horror that is scary because it could happen, Last One at the Party will disturb your dreams.

Thanks to Netgalley for a digital ARC of this book.

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